What do cover crops help with?
Reap the benefits of cover crops.
Research shows having a highly diverse mix of actively growing cover crop species maximizes their potential benefits. We recommend including at least 2 species from each of the 4 functional groups for best results.
Protect soil from water, wind, and UV erosion.
Increase infiltration and overall water holding capacity.
Living roots create additional pore space in the soil reducing compaction.
Attract beneficial insects, pollinators and microbes.
Improved weed and pest suppression.
Broadleaves attract a wide variety of pollinating insects and have quick and vigorous growth.
Grasses are great scavengers, effective in utilizing nutrients left over from the previous crops, establishing rapidly and tend to have an extensive root system.
Legumes aid in nitrate fixation from the atmosphere thereby adding N to the soil.
Brassicas scavenge and store nutrients and can act as a biofumigant, aiding in suppressing soil pests, pathogens, and root parasites.
Source: British Ecological Society. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2745.12789