An Integrated, System-based Approach
The Alfalfa POWER2GRO Program increases yield, quality, and uniformity by improving the long-term health of the stand.
The Almond POWER2GRO Program maximizes nut yield and quality, and improve tree and soil health.
The Corn POWER2GRO Program boosts yields by enhancing ear size, kernel depth, and plant health.
Corn Irrigated
The Irrigated Corn POWER2GRO Program boosts yields and improves water use efficiency.
Corn Silage
The Silage Corn POWER2GRO Program is an integrated, system-based approach to increase forage tonnage and quality, optimize water efficiency, and improve plant health.
The Cotton POWER2GRO Program provides early season nutrients to aid in plant establishment, uses foliars and timing to set and preserve bolls load and retain most of the first position bolls on the plant.
Cover Crops
The Cover Crop POWER2GRO Program increases water holding capacity, improves water infiltration, reduces herbicide use and soil compaction, and attracts beneficial insects and microbes to increase soil and biology.
The Soybean POWER2GRO Program boosts yields by improving plant health, uniformity, and root expression while preventing bloom and pod loss.
Specialty Crops
The POWER2GRO Crop Production System has proven success with many other specialty crops and provide a customized plan to meet growers' needs.
Sugar Beet
The Sugar Beet POWER2GRO Program maximizes beet tonnage and quality, and improves plant and soil health.
The Tomato POWER2GRO Program maximizes tomato tonnage and quality while improving plant and soil health.
Wheat Dryland
The Wheat POWER2GRO Program boosts yields by improving improving root systems and soil health, building a more drought tolerant plant.
Wheat Irrigated
The Wheat POWER2GRO Program boosts yields by improving kernel count and test weight, and fully developing tillers.